danrusso.com ver 2011.2

Welcome to the blog potion of danrusso.com.  I decided to integrate a blog into this site, as many of my clients, colleagues and students want to know more about my design activities.

Because I've started shooting again, I wanted a single location which would cater to all types of viewers.  Please continue to follow me on twitter (@semilion) for updates and announcements.

I will do my best to keep the site fresh and up to date with my work from all the mediums I work in.  Please keep in mind that much of what I do cannot be mentioned due to Non Disclosure Agreements, commitments and other sensitive maters.

Thank you for taking the time to view danrusso.com.  I'll continue to evolve the site.  So please make sure to check in peridically for updated information.

Have a great day,

Daniel Russo