
Loving Realization

​A very dear group of photos, I was fortunate to take of a long time friend and her beautiful dog.  I met them many years ago at a dog run, in Manhattan.  Jess was fairly new there and Cocoa was just a young dog, filled with wonder, inquiry and fun.  As our dogs played, Jess and I became friends.  

Then one day, Jess moved away...

​I was very happy to have an opportunity to visit one day this past summer; and take photos of both of them.  I knew Cocoa's time was near.  To me there was a sense of urgency.  I wanted to capture them both together.  It was important to me to be able to give Jess some of the great moments they both shared.

Cocoa passed away this past Sunday (10-21-12).​  I am so very sorry, Jess.