I once heard something which made me think of taking this photo. It was said by a blind man. He said: "I can see better than sighted people. If they can see better than I, why do they trip over things right in front of them."
Train Station
Tiffanys Ignored
The Hoboken Terminal in New Jersey, keeps a well known secret. It was designed by Tiffany. Yes the light blue box that every woman appreciates, Tiffany's. The terminal is absolutely beautiful. And every day people disregard the splendor and luxury which surrounds them. Why? I would guess it's mostly because the terminal hasn't/wasn't taken as good of car as it should have been taken care of. Finally age has an impact.
If you get the opportunity to go there, look around. You'll clearly see Tiffany's influence. This is the first of 4 photographs which will make their way onto the site. It is a photo of how people ignore a beautiful not-so-famous Tiffany lamp.